Board of Trustees

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Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M. Hashim


Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M Hashim was appointed to the Board of Trustees of Jeffrey Cheah Foundation on 28 December 2007.


He completed his early secondary education in Australia. He studied banking, where he became a Member of Australian Institute of Bankers. He has more than 39 years of experience in the banking industry.


Upon his return to Malaysia, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman joined Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad as an Officer Trainee in 1964. Throughout his 34 years of banking experience in Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad, he served at its offices in London, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In 1994, he was appointed as Executive Director/Deputy Chief Executive of Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad, a position he held until his retirement in June 1999.  In the same month in 1999, he was appointed the Chairman of MBF Finance Berhad by Bank Negara Malaysia as its nominee until January 2002, when the finance company was sold to Arab-Malaysian Group.


Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman was appointed to the Board of Sunway on 17 June 2011.


His directorships in other public companies include the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, Marine & General Bhd, and Mycron Steel Berhad. He is the Alternate Trustee to Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO in the Perdana Leadership Foundation.