Board of Trustees

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Mr Philip Yeoh


Mr. Philip Yeo was appointed to the Board of Trustees of Jeffrey Cheah Foundation on 7 October 2019.


He is Chairman of the Economic Development Innovations Singapore (EDIS) Private Limited. Established in 2013, EDIS is an economic development management services company founded by Mr Yeo that provides strategic advice and undertakes the development and management of integrated industrial and urban areas with an emphasis on job creation and industrial cluster development.


Mr. Yeo is also Chairman of Accuron Technologies Limited, a global precision engineering and technology group headquartered in Singapore with operations in major markets in Asia, Europe and the USA, serving the aerospace, medical equipment, consumer electronics and automotive industries. He was also the Chairman of i-Globe Partners, a Singapore-based Private venture capital fund.


Prior to his stint in the private sector, Mr. Yeo had served in a myriad established public sectors. Most recently, from 2010 to 2013, he served as member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA), established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the promotion and development of public administration and governance among Member States, in connection with the United Nations Development Agenda. He is also instrumental in Singapore’s economic development and his pioneering role in the promotion and development of the country’s information technology, semiconductor, chemical industries and biomedical sciences.


Mr. Philip Yeo possesses a diverse educational background with numerous achievements. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Industrial Engineering) degree and an honorary Doctor of Engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada. He also graduated from the then University of Singapore with a Master of Science (Systems Engineering), and most prominently, a Master in Business Administration from Harvard University.


Mr. Yeo is recognised for numerous contributions to society. Most recently, Mr. Yeo was conferred as Honorary Fellow of King’s College London on 5 July 2017. In May 2014, he was awarded the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus Award by Eisenhower Fellowships in recognition of leadership in the Eisenhower Fellowships alumni network; and post-fellowship activities that have reflected President Eisenhower’s commitment to peace and productivity by working through direct personal contacts across boundaries.