Board of Trustees

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Tan Sri  Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO – Founder and Trustee


Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO is the founder and trustee of Malaysia’s largest education-focused social enterprise, Jeffrey Cheah Foundation (JCF). The Foundation was founded on 28 December 2007. His lifelong dedication to sustainable development is evident in the thriving communities throughout Sunway’s integrated developments and townships, sprawling more than 5,000 acres across Malaysia.


He is also the founder and chairman of Sunway Group, a leading Malaysian conglomerate with core interests in property, construction, hospitality, retail, education and healthcare.


Sustainability is nurtured not only in developments and townships, but also through the realisation of dreams: Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO is a champion and advocate of quality education and research, making them accessible to deserving students through JCF scholarships.


As a strong advocate of quality education and research as well as sustainable development, Tan Sri Cheah continues to fulfil his personal life philosophy of “aspiring to inspire before I expire”. He had transferred, in perpetuity, the equity and rights of Sunway Education Group’s (SEG) educational institutions, worth several billion Ringgit, into the JCF.


Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO’s vision to transform SEG into the intellectual and cultural hub of the East has seen JCF establishing academic ties with some of the world’s preeminent universities including University of Cambridge, Harvard University, and University of Oxford.


The appointment of Jeffrey Cheah Professors at each of these universities aim to facilitate a two-way flow of scholars and researchers between the world-class institutions and the Southeast Asian region.


He is also the mastermind behind the Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia (JCI), the first public-policy think tank based in a private university in Malaysia, to conduct and promote joint research and teaching on economies, societies, politics, and cultures in Southeast Asia.

A summary of Tan Sri Cheah’s notable achievements and appointments includes:


  • Conferred Honorary Doctorate of Social Enterprise by University of Cambodia
  • Received Hunayn Ibn Ishaq Unity Award at Islamic Excellence Awards 1441H/2020AD



  • Awarded Lifetime Achievement Award by Sin Chew Education Awards
  • Awarded the Asian Leadership Award by Asian Association of Management Organisations (AAMO)
  • Awarded Malaysia Exemplary Leader of Sustainable Development 2019 by EdgeProp
  • Awarded UK-Malaysia Personality Award by British Malaysia Chamber of Commerce (BMCC)
  • Awarded Asia’s Lifetime Achievement Award 2019 by Fortune Times, Singapore
  • Named Forbes Asia Heroes of Philanthropy for the third time (2009, 2015 and 2019).
  • Named Malaysia’s Exemplary Leader of Sustainable Development 2019 at EdgeProp Malaysia’s Best Managed Property Awards



  • Conferred Malaysian Institute of Management’s (MIM) Court of Emeritus Fellow



  • Awarded the inaugural Sustainability Icon Award by RAM
  • Awarded the ASEAN@50 Lifetime Achievement Award by ASEAN Business Advisory Council Malaysia
  • Member of the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) Court of Emeritus Fellow
  • Appointed a member of the National Productivity Council of Malaysia



  • Recipient of the Victoria University Distinguished Alumni Award
  • Conferred Honorary Doctorate of Education by Universiti Malaya
  • Member of the Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors, University of Oxford
  • Companion of the Cambridge University Guild of Benefactors
  • Conferred Malaysian Institute of Management’s (MIM) Malaysian Leadership Excellence Award.
  • Honorary Fellow of Brasenose College, University of Oxford
  • First Malaysian recipient of the Dayawati Modi Award for Art, Culture and Education. Other recipients include Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa.
  • Awarded with the Channel NewsAsia Lifetime Achievement Luminary Award 2016



  • Member of Harvard’s COUR- the Committee on University Resources.
  • Honoured with the Lifetime Excellence Achievement Award under the Sin Chew. Business Excellence Awards 2015.
  • Listed as one of Malaysia’s “Heroes of Philanthropy” by Forbes Asia. (First listed in 2009)
  • Best Chief Executive Officer for IR (Mid Cap) by the Malaysian Investor Relations Association.
  • Senior Honorary Life Advisor Award by the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong).
  • Founding Chair for the Malaysian 30% Club.
  • Conferred Honorary Fellow by the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM).



  • President’s Award by Malaysia Institute of Planners (MIP).
  • Prominent Player Award by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia.
  • Value Creator: Malaysia’s Outstanding CEO by The Edge Billion Ringgit Club.
  • Matriculated as a member of Caius, and admitted as a Gonville Fellow Benefactor of Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge.
  • Appointed as Member of Global Advisory Council, Harvard University.



  • Malaysia Outstanding Property Personality Award by The Edge Malaysia.
  • Appointed as Advisor to Institut Darul Ridzuan (IDR) in the State of Perak, Malaysia.
  • Appointed as Council Member of United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN).



  • Appointed as Permanent Honorary President to the Federation of Hakka Associations Malaysia, in appreciation of his invaluable contributions to the Associations.
  • Awarded Honorary Gold Award from the Royal Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur, in recognition of his leadership and development of education and research in Malaysia.
  • Conferred the Honorary Fellowship by the Malaysian Scientific Association (MSA) for his exemplary and overall contribution to the development of science education as well as the advancement of science and technology in Malaysia.



  • Listed as one of Malaysia’s “Heroes of Philanthropy” by Forbes Asia.



  • Appointed as Chairman of Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) Selangor Chapter, by the Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of MCPF Malaysia.



  • Monash University School of Medicine and Health Sciences was named after Tan Sri Cheah (Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences) in appreciation of his contribution to Monash University Malaysia and Malaysia-Australia bilateral ties.
  • Technology Excellence Asean Awards 2007 – Lifetime Excellence in Property Development, Construction, Education & Humanitarianism (presented by Business Review).



  • Installed as Chancellor of Sunway University Malaysia by His Royal Highness Sultan of Selangor.



  • Asia’s Most Innovative Chinese Entrepreneur Award.



  • Outstanding EXCO member contributor by FCLP.



  • Deputy President and Trustee of National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia.
  • First non-Malay Honorary Member of Kuala Lumpur Malay Chamber of Commerce.
  • Paul Harris Fellow Award by Rotary Club Malaysia.



  • Founding Trustee of Malaysian Liver Foundation.



  • President of Malaysian Hakka Association (until 2004).
  • Council Member of the Financial Reporting Foundation, Malaysia.



  • Appointed by the Minister of Education to the Higher Education Council of Malaysia.
  • Chairman of Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology for Construction and Housing.
  • EXCO member of the Malaysian Tourism Action Council.
  • CEO of the Year (Malaysia) by Business Times – American Express.
  • Presented the Extraordinary People Award by the National Kidney Foundation.



  • Property Man of the Year (Malaysia) by FIABCI, Malaysia Chapter.



  • Director of National Productivity Centre, Malaysia.



Royal Conferment:


  • Conferred the Panglima Setia Mahkota (PSM, carrying the title “Tan Sri”) by DYMM Seri Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agung ke-Sepuluh, Tuanku Ja’afar Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
  • Conferred the Dato Seri Paduka Mahkota Perak (SPMP, carrying the title “Dato Seri”) by Sultan of Perak DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah Muhibbuddin Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Yussuf Izzuddin Shah Ghafarullahu-Lah Shah.



  • Conferred the Darjah Kebesaran Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Selangor (DPMS carrying the title “Dato”) by the Sultan of Selangor DYMM Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah AlHaj Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah AlHaj.